Our Mission Statement

As a community in Christ, Redeemer is all about “connecting God’s word to life in the world through a vibrant faith community where souls are fed and gifts are shared.”

Our Vision Statement

Redeemer’s vision is to “reach people who are hungering for meaning in their lives.”

About Redeemer

To achieve this mission and vision, we are guided by the word of God as it is revealed in the living presence of Jesus Christ in our midst; as it speaks through the scriptures (the Old and New Testaments comprising the 66 books of the Holy Bible); and as it is heard in and through the proclamation and witness of God’s faithful people.

Redeemer honors our Lutheran heritage and upholds the Lutheran Confessions, but at the same time nurtures disciples for life and witness in today’s world.

Regardless of race, gender, ethnicity, socio-economic status, ability/disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, or educational achievement, Redeemer invites, welcomes and equips all who seek to fear, love, and trust God above anything else.

Through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus, we see God’s grace poured out for all. It is this grace we proclaim through our ministry of word and sacrament, as well as our outreach into the community and the world.

All who wish to make Redeemer their church home will be encouraged and equipped to worship regularly; participate in opportunities for ongoing Christian education; tell the story of Jesus; share generously of their time, abilities, and finances; seek peace while serving the needs of brothers and sisters around the world; and participate graciously in our life and ministry.

Is Redeemer the Church for you?

As Jesus said, “Come and see.” (John 1:39)

Our Guiding Principals

(General principals for how Redeemer operates.)

  • We believe that Jesus died and rose for all. Therefore, all are welcomed at Redeemer Lutheran Church, and are invited through baptism into the body of Christ.
  • We believe that God’s Word is living and active among us. Therefore, through our education and worship programs we will equip God’s people with tools for living their faith in this world.
  • We believe in spiritual growth. Therefore, we will provide opportunities to hear, learn and experience God through word and sacrament.
  • We believe in living our faith. Therefore, we encourage identifying and using our spiritual gifts and passions in all aspects of our lives.
  • We believe in serving the needs of others. Therefore, we seek to serve where needs exists.
  • We believe in fiscal responsibility. Therefore, we will adhere to a reasonable budget based on identified needs supported by generous financial giving.

Redeemer’s Aims

(Broad aims that define accomplishment of the mission.)

  • Communication Ensure timely and accurate communication to all groups within the congregation through a variety of means.
  • Community Encourage identification of and innovative solutions for addressing community needs.
  • Education Provide opportunities for members to grow in faith and understanding in ways that will benefit physical, spiritual and emotional well-being.
  • Membership Maximize numerical growth through invitation, retention, and increased involvement.
  • Networking Provide a holistic vision of the congregation through a culture of cooperation.
  • Organization Utilize financial, human and organizational resources to support and expand the mission of the church.
  • Property Maintain, repair and improve all buildings and property in a timely manner.
  • Worship Offer meaningful worship opportunities where people can experience God’s love through word and sacrament and be sent to share that love with others.